* Module SimplePOS is deprecated. If you need a POS module, please use the module TakePOS.
* The ICS value for direct debit or credit transfer is now stored on each bank account instead of
into the global setup.
* API /setup/shipment_methods has been replaced with API /setup/shipping_methods
* Field "total" renamed into "total_ht" for table llx_facture, llx_facture_rec for better field name
* Field "tva" renamed into "total_tva" for table llx_propal, llx_supplier_proposal, llx_commande,
llx_commande_fournisseur for better field name consistency
* Field "total" renamed into "total_ttc" for table llx_propal, llx_supplier_proposal for better field
name consistency
* Function set_price_level() has been renamed into setPriceLevel() to follow camelcase rules
* removed deprecated subtituion key __REFCLIENT__ (replaced with __REF_CLIENT__)
* Removed constant MAIN_COUNTRIES_IN_EEC. You can now set if country is in Europe or not from
the dictionary of countries.